Monday, September 9, 2013

Excellent Guidelines For Body Weight Loss

Green tea and other drinks that are quickly lose weight

green tea to lose weight fast

Here are some tips to help you speed up your metabolism and help your digestive system to get rid of calories in your stomach as quickly as possible.

     Wheat germ - Add a tablespoon of organic wheat germ to a 120 ml glass of water, take it 30 minutes before each meal, which has a double effect: it gives you the feeling of fullness and burns fat in the belly. Try to take it three times a day, and Include it in all your meals (with vegetables, yogurt, fruit, etc ...)
     Chia Seeds - These seeds help you feel full longer. This is a trick that many people do not know and can accelerate weight loss. Add a tablespoon of chia seeds in a glass of water to 120 ml. soak for 30 minutes. So that these seeds grow and turn into a gelatinous substance, once they get that consistency drink it, to repeat every morning upon waking.

Energy Drinks:

     Green Tea - speeds up your metabolism more than any other drink. You know you can not drink sodas, juices or coffee, so tea is highly recommended to fill this gap. Green tea contains caffeine and antioxidants that help your immune system and speed up your metabolism.
     Oolong Tea - This tea promotes weight loss than other drinks, it stands at 250% of the effects of weight loss compared to green tea.

How to choose the right cooking

how to choose the right cooking
Ways to cook food depend on the food itself and sought gastronomic goal. To achieve weight loss and healthy recipes in addition, the choice of cooking is paramountThe boiling
It avoids the use of fat cooked, but it has the major disadvantage of causing the outbreak faster plant cells which then release their nutrients in the water . However, you should know that the minerals and trace elements in solution are not assimilated in the same conditions ( only a small portion is used ) . Moreover, the food rarely finds its account. Even for vegetable soups , it is preferable to limit the amount of water , even add more later! Cooking with water should be avoided.Cooking létouffée
It allows the use of the water contained in the foods themselves . Plant cells are better met the taste is enhanced. If the container is sealed , even cooking a little longer than the minimum destroys nutrients. It should however use a little fat in the bottom of the container . There are terracotta bowls ( devil) who cook food as such : it is used for fires .Broiling
It is reserved for animal products , meat and fish and limits fat. This cooking method is used with caution , however : we must be careful not to burn the food on too high heat. This principle generates mutagenic hydrocarbons ( which are known carcinogens ) even if you do not add fat. We must be careful.The cooking stove
It must remain the exception, even if it was found , supporting figures , that sausage was less dangerous than the pan barbecue. Its major use is that use fat as a medium it is best to limit the use of the pan to its classic role for omelets and pancakes eggs, lightly oiling . To avoid as much as possible .The steaming
It does not contact the food with water which only allows heat cooking. The temperature is more uniform and does not exceed 100 ° (except in a pressure vessel ) . Plant cells are better preserved (only the peripheral cells burst and release their nutrients ) . The ideal , then, is a container with a lid (rounded) prevents water condenses falls on food. Most vegetables are well suited to this technique, which retains more taste. This method is also very good for meat or fish , which has the advantage of making them lose a significant part of their toxins and their fat. The quality of food will depend on the chosen subtle taste. The best cooking .The pressure cooker ( pressure cooker )
This system had its heyday in the 60s or advertising relied on speed . The cover is sealed and prevents steam to escape . The pressure thus created alters the physical conditions of cooking : boiling is faster and the food is ready in record time. It is true that pariassent better protected vitamins ( absence of air and brief cooking ) , at least for some of them , because the thermal shock destroyed most part. However, it has the advantage of cooking without water and grease.

Cabbage soup diet to lose weight

cabbage soup diet
The cabbage soup diet is very famous , this miraculous soup " " has often been plagiarized . Many false revenue it circulates on the net omitting course, you specify the program. This system is real because it 's directed at the base of a large overload patients who underwent weight and heavy surgical procedure. So it is certainly effective system but not to apply to defects ever find yourself with various nutritional deficiencies. This system is especially made for you to lose your few extra pounds in a short time . One of the major ingredients of the cabbage soup is some of the most commonly also called the cabbage soup diet . You should know that cabbage is a food that forces your body to burn more calories, more energy than the cabbage contains itself. C is a food says "negative calorie ". This is one reason for the rapid weight loss .
(Recipe from the Sacred Heart Hospital , used for patients who are overweight usually lose weight quickly before surgery ) .

4 slivers of garlic
6 large onions
1 or 2 cans of peeled tomatoes
1 large head of Chinese cabbage
3 liters of water
6 carrots
2 green peppers
1 celery
3 cubes of beef defatted (optional)
Cut the vegetables into small to medium pieces and cover with water.
Season with salt, pepper , curry and parsley.
Boil for 10 minutes.
Reduce heat and continue until the vegetables are tender.This soup can be eaten whenever you feel hungry.Eat as much as you want, when you want the soup n ' not add calories.The more you eat the more you lose . Because as I said it contains foods like cabbage that forces your body to burn more calories than what is in the food itself.
Be careful when using it as the only food intake you may develop malnutrition. To read the full program then 7 days.
Here is our advice and recommendations.
A carefully avoided
1) No alcohol may interfere directly eliminating fat.Wait 24 hours after taking alcohol to the system2) No carbonated water , taking only water , tea, coffee or skimmed milk .3) No cooking , No bread , anything containing flour and sugar.Can replace meat with fish.According to the results of the hospital , you can lose up to 7 pounds a week ,If we respect the plan without deviation from the third day, we will feel an incredible energy ,With this diet you will feel better and lighter.At the end of seven days , if you have lost over 7 kg , do not start immediately, wait two days paying attention .
Rapid weight loss plan = 7 days diet " burn fat "
1st day:
Eat only soup and fresh fruit (except bananas)It is recommended to eat melon and watermelon ( low calorie ) , you can take 100% fruit juice , tea, coffee without sugar and water
2nd day:
Eating fresh or canned vegetables , steamed or raw. They can be cooked in the soup broth .No oil or butter. Focus on green vegetables.All day : Vegetables and SoupDinner: 1 large room p. potatoes baked one little butter or oil if you want.No fruit that day.
3rd day:
It is a combination of the previous two days , this means that you can eat vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas)Eat mostly soup.If you have followed this regime without the slightest deviation , you have already lost between 2.5 and 3.5 kg
4th day:
Eat only soup, banana decrease the craving for sugar and skim milk ..
5th day:
Day meat : We just eat up to 500g of lean meat (eg chicken without skin) and 5 fresh tomatoesDrinking imperative 5-8 glasses of water to eliminate uric acid produced by the meat .Take the soup at least once .
6th day:
Today, more hungry to eat vegetables (except p. Potatoes ) and meat.Morning: steakLunch and dinner : 1 + steak salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon .Soup at least once .
Day 7:
Finally : Eat brown rice fruit or 100% fruit juice , and vegetables. Soup at least once .
Do not buy cabbage soup ready they are less natural and nothing beats the natural , fresh food is healthier for your well being. So your furnace all the recipes is easy to perform but also follow to the letter.

3 Mistakes to Avoid in diets

mistake to avoid diet

To find the plan that will make you lose weight quickly there are mistakes that can be easily avoided when you start attacking a diet. These errors can prevent you from reaching your goals for it, pay attention to the following tips to help you avoid the five mistakes that a lot of people ignore.

Skipping meals.

If the key to losing weight is to reduce the number of calories then. Why not also reduce the number of meals not update? Wrong. If you skip a meal for your diet, or your period of weight loss that will negatively your body will burn calories slowly during the day, the more likely you have a voracious appetite in the evening.

Drinks and extra calories.

Many people do not realize, but what you drink can be as important for weight loss than what you eat. Some drinks contain as many or more calories than a plate full of food, moreover, these drinks are not as satisfying as solid foods, and often do not even have nutritional value, just calories. Even if you take drinking 1,500 calories per day, you're still hungry.

Depriving yourself of all food.

Many people completely eliminate the foods they love when they start a diet, which can lead to a state of routine, lose your mind, get tired and eventually eat whatever you find.

16 tips to lose weight fast without dieting

lose weight fast without diet without sport
How to lose weight fast is the question we ask ourselves every day a desire to lose weight without breaking the head with all diets that work and those that walk in half and even those who have no effect on your body. If you do not want to follow a special diet just follow these tips.
Lose weight yes, but how ? some small changes to make in your life until you get satisfactory results . In this list how to lose weight fast you can of course take the advice that is tailored to your needs . Mostly you just have to choose one or two lines that you can do now to start . once you are used you can come back and take the other advice, the biggest mistake is to try to do everything at once, and unfortunately we always end up losing motivation.

Drink plenty of water not only for hydration but also to eliminate , you can drink the water you 're at home at work always drink
No soda , because they are super calorie sodas in particular , replace them with water
Include in your meal foods that contain more water like tomatoes
Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice .
Set times to have meals and stick to it.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Do not snack between meals : D
Drinking tea and coffee without sugar.
Counting calories you eat.
No fried food recipes , you should choose to cook your food in steam , at worst you can fry without fat, with a little olive oil
Eat protein to lose weight fast should consume these foods such as chicken, egg whites , turkey
Do not skip meals , if you have the opposite of what you want
Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. try to eat your vegetables raw . When you cook , they lose half the vitamins they contain
Limit your intake of sugar.
Choose a day of rest to please your stomach and you can eat whatever you want it will not affect your diet.
Consume salt in moderation , too much salt is often the cause of obesity, salty foods like chips to avoid
Get active to lose weight , 20 minutes of cardio is enough, these exercises have a potent effect on the loss of adipose tissue , if you do not have time to climb the stairs instead of the elevator , do not stay all time sitting , you must not only work, but it will make you want to eat .

10 good reasons to exercise while dieting

play sports diet
1) It provides energy and improves quality of life.
2 ) It is anti -stress : 30 minutes of sport per day makes positive in 2 to 3 weeks.
3) It prevents certain cancers : cancers of the colon and breast ( for women) are reduced by 50 % among non- sedentary.
4) it gives a better self-image.
5) It relieves anxiety, dispels the resulting stress hormones . 1H1 / 2 after intense exercise , a period of relaxation and physical émotionelles ensues .
6) It reduces by half the risk of heart disease.
7) retards aging , maintains breath, muscle tone and skin and slows bone loss.
8) It augment the good cholesterol (HDL).
9) It removes insomnia and improves sleep quality .
10) It stimulates alertness . It improves concentration and good reflex.
No dieting , no serious food hygiene can not exclude ventilation, oxygenation sport. They are essential to our equilibrium. To choose physical activity, like any act of life , the notion of pleasure is paramount. It is she who will guide your choice.
Queen walking activity by its simplicity and the benefits it brings, sometimes simply begins when you choose to walk a path daily. It allows you to rediscover the time to live out of his state of negative soul. This is a start activity ideal for all those who indulged and which wish to return a few years. The daily walk is recommended for all heart . Walking can be relaxing or sporty depending on the time and pace that he spends . Hiking, several days in a row is a real cure fitness . We just have to limit in cases of severe obesity, lung disease , osteoarthritis of the hip or knee .